look for Corporate Social Responsibility reports for Walgreens and its key competitor CVS and then spend a little time to look over each and then provide a discussion for EACH company and their key CSR initiatives. Please note that bullet points do NOT constitute a discussion. You may find that a discussion of key CSR initiatives of Walgreens will require at least one page (minimum 3 items). Next, you may find that a discussion of key CSR initiatives of CVS will also require at least one page (minimum 3 items). Finally, you will need an in-depth discussion contrasting Walgreens CSR initiatives compared to CVS CSR initiatives and where they comparatively rate. Walgreens may be leading CVS in all CSR items you identified OR it may be CVS that leads Walgreens OR maybe Walgreens leads in some and CVS in others. You MUST provide a sufficient discussion not only contrasting and discussing who is leading in which CSR initiatives but also WHY you have come to that conclusion.