
Look at this website from unicef and complete the short

Calculate your own protein needs - what is your RDA for protein? Show your work.

· Look at this website from UNICEF and complete the short course on protein-energy malnutrition and answer the questions.

What are the differences between acute and chronic marasmus, kwashiorkor, and marasmus-kwashiorkor?

What did you learn that you didn't know?

· Let's learn about the "meat alternative," SOY.

You are to pick ONE informational video/article to summarize about some aspect of Soy.

Put the title in the SUBJECT you are going to summarize.

First come, first choice! Once a title is chosen, it is no longer available.

They are all interesting so don't be too fussy. The more we can learn together the better!

Summarize the most important points (you decide what you think would be most interesting to your classmates) using a maximum of 150 words.

Include a title so that we know what you are summarizing.

Use the name of your summary in the SUBJECT line for this week's post.

· Find a recipe that you might try. https://www.soyconnection.com/recipes/index.php

Which recipe did you choose? Tell why.

Are you more open to "soy" products now that you've learning more about it? Explain.

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Biology: Look at this website from unicef and complete the short
Reference No:- TGS01300882

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