Look at the variables given and analyze one by one whether

Empirical Problem

Use the dataset "psid.txt" to do the following:

1. Look at the variables given and analyze one by one whether they can be used to explain the wages of the household head. If you think you need to create new variables (e.g. interaction dummies), do it.

TIP: Be careful with the direction of causality! Think about it. In this problem you are trying to explain which things affect the wages, not which things are affected by the wages.

E.g.: you get a brain freeze because you ate ice cream too fast. Therefore eating ice cream fast explains the brain freeze. It would be wrong to say that you can explain eating ice cream too fast because of the brain freeze.

2. Do a linear regression on the wage of the household head using the variables you chose previously and analyze the coefficients. Are they significant? Do they point to the direction that you expected?

Description of the Data


I Description (actual number if not described) I

2005 Family ID number


Month of Interview


Day of Interview


Year of Interview


Length of Interview


Age of Household Head


Sex of Household Head

1 Male, 2 Female

Race of Household Head

1 White, 2 Black

Household Head Marital Status

1 Married, 2 Never Married, 3 Widowed, 4 Divorced, 5 Separated

Whether the Household Head Got a High School Degree

0 no, 1 yes

Whether the Household head Attended College

0 no, 1 yes

Whether the Household Head Got a College Degree

0 no, 1 yes

Wages of the Household Head


Hours of Housework of the Household Head


Whether the Household Head Belongs to a Union

0 no, 1 yes

Amount Given as Child Support by the Household Head


Religious Preference of the Household Head

0 Atheist, 1 Catholic, 2 Jewish, 8 Protestant 10 Other non-Christian, 13 Orthodox

Age of Wife


Race of Wife

1 White, 2 Black

Whether the Wife Cot a High School Degree

0 no, 1 yes

Whether the Wife Attended College

0 no, 1 yes

Whether the Wife Cot a College Degree

0 no, 1 yes

Wages of the Wife


Hours of Housework of the Wife


Amount Given as Child Support by the Wife


Religious Preference of the Wife

0 Atheist, 1 Catholic, 2 Jewish, 8 Protestant 10 Other non-Christian, 13 Orthodox

Number of Children in the Household


Whether the Household Head Owns or Rents the House

1 Owns, 5 Rents, 8 Neither Owns or Rents

Value of the House


Number of Vehicles


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Engineering Mathematics: Look at the variables given and analyze one by one whether
Reference No:- TGS01650497

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