Look at an advertisement for an alcohol product

Assignment task:

1. Look at an advertisement for an alcohol Product (hard liquor, wine, beer). (If you have trouble finding one, you can google alcohol advertisements, and choose one from the pictures that pop up. Answer the following questions about the advertisement. a. What does the advertisement show? (Describe the advertisement.) b. Is the advertisement trying to make a positive connection between their product and your life? What is it? c. Do you think that the implication of the advertisement (as to what you can expect from the alcohol consumption) is correct and/or fair? For instance, does the ad imply a wealthy lifestyle? Increased popularity with members of the opposite sex? Increased fun?

2. Choose one change that you will make or have made in your diet. This change needs to be a very specific, one, such as converting from using white bread to using whole wheat bread as the major type of bread you consistently consume. The change has to be one that you will follow almost daily, not one that you will only use once in a while. This change has to make use of the natural components of food and must not include heavily fortified foods such as TOTAL Cereal. Add details as to how and what you learned in this course. • Tell why you decided to make this change-in terms of nutrients in your diet. Include all the nutrients that will be affected by this change. How will this affect the overall quality of your diet? • This may be related to the above, but I want you to tell me why you chose this to be the change you will work on. Part of the reason, of course, will be because of the nutrients. However, there are surely other factors such as ease of making the change, taste that you like, etc. . Make a shopping list (remember a shopping list is going to be very specific) of at least one or more foods you will add to your shopping list, and at least one food you commonly have bought, but which you will now stop buying in an effort to improve your diet. If your diet is now. adequate, you may not need to eliminate any foods. • How will you make sure that you continue this change permanently? What will you do to get back into the habit if you stop following it for a while? (You fall off the wagon, so to speak.)

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Other Subject: Look at an advertisement for an alcohol product
Reference No:- TGS03411101

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