Look again at the issues of organization structure. Both supply chain structure and organization structure impact a company's ability to successfully pursue its vision and strategies. And Review the case study on coffee provided in the following link https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/nestle/coffee-the-supply-chain/introduction.html#axzz2c3DZRNK1
- Determine the issues raised in the readings, and in your personal observation and study, that you will focus on in your case study analysis.
- Read the case study (Coffee - The Supply Chain: A Nestlé case study) carefully, and gather from it information you will need for your analysis.
- Submit a 1200 word essay in APA format, analyzing the coffee case study, and discussing any implications you have learned in doing this analysis that you feel will help you in the analysis of the company you are researching through the submission link at the bottom of this page no later than the due date indicated.