
long-term plans for technical loss

Long-Term Plans for Technical Loss Reduction

Long-term measures for technical loss reduction include all measures that require to be taken for the improvement of quality and reliability of power supply and reduction of AT&C losses in the area. These involved upgrading, strengthening and improvement of the Sub-Transmission and Distribution system in a circle to meet the future load demand for the further 5 years.

The present traditional reactive and ad-hoc approach to network development should be replaced through an approach based on technical and reliability requirements, economic considerations of costs of energy loss and expansion of system to meet the growth of prospective demand along with least cost.

Long-term plans based on system studies for phased strengthening and improvement of the distribution systems along with related transmission system have to be prepared and executed.

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Electrical Engineering: long-term plans for technical loss
Reference No:- TGS0203366

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