
Long-term career focus increase effectiveness managing-hrm

Question1) The model for planned self-development for the individual consists of six various stages. In which of the following stages, individual muat analyze one’s personality, values, knowledge, skills and interests?

(i) Self-assessment
(ii) Opportunity analysis
(iii) Decision making
(iv) Continuous assessment
(v) Venture.

Question2) Organizations have to help employees plan their careers and manage them. Organizations which help their employees plan their career, enjoy the benefits of

(i) Susceptible employees
(ii) Motivated employees
(iii) High talented employees
(iv) Low talented employees
(v) Self-dependent employees.

Question3) Career development is a process by which employees’ progress through the series of stages, each characterized by a various set of developmental tasks, activities, and relationships. Which of the following is true regarding establishment stage of career development?

(i) Training
(ii) Making independent contributions
(iii) Following directions
(iv) Phasing out work
(v) Sponsoring.

Question4) Succession planning in an organization helps identify specific individuals to fill future vacancies in key positions. Which of the following is not the basic element of effective succession planning?

(i) Continuity
(ii) Probability
(iii) Long-term perspective
(iv) Organizational need perspective
(v) Turnover management.

Question5) Edgar Schein, a professor at MIT, developed an idea of career anchors and came up with 8 career anchors. Those individuals who have autonomy/independence characteristic as a predominant career anchor could excel as all the following except

(i) Entrepreneurs
(ii) Professors
(iii) Consultants
(iv) Professionals
(v) Personal Assistants.

Question6) Long-term career focus would increase the organization’s effectiveness in managing its human resources. A well designed career development program has the following positive results except

(i) Makes sure that needed talent is available
(ii) Improves ability of the organization to attract and retain high-talent personnel
(iii) Makes sure growth opportunities for all employees
(iv) Improves employee’s standard of living
(v) Reduces employee frustration.

Question7) Employees as well as organizations face certain issues or challenges in career planning. Which of the following is not a career planning issue?

(i) Dual career families
(ii) Inclining opportunities
(iii) Restructuring
(iv) Career stages
(v) Career plateaus.

Question8) In promotions employees generally experience increased demands on their abilities and responsibilities and also greater authority and status. In this regard, promotions are based on which of the following?

I. Membership in trade unions.
II. Performance in current position.
III. Ability to take up higher position.
IV. Seniority.

(i) Both (I) and (II) above
(ii) Both (II) and (III) above
(iii) (I), (II) and (III) above
(iv) (I), (III) and (IV) above
(v) (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Question9) Which of the following is true regarding leverage network stage of planned self-development?

(i) At this stage, the individual has to establish objectives in the areas of career
(ii) At this stage, the individual searches for the right contacts, who can help him/her get the desired job
(iii) At this stage, the individual has to discover the wide range of opportunities
(iv) At this stage, the individual should assess the offers made to him/her to start his/her career
(v) At this stage, the individual starts assessing the job.

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HR Management: Long-term career focus increase effectiveness managing-hrm
Reference No:- TGS02995

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