
Lonestar bank conducts a customer satisfaction survey using

For the following research descriptions, please indicate whether each is: exploratory, descriptive, or causal.

1. LoneStar Bank conducts a customer satisfaction survey using a questionnaire.

2. LoneStar Bank talks to its customers in informal interviews to better understand their needs.

3. LoneStar Bank tests out new marketing offers by sending different offers to different groups and comparing the results.

4. LoneStar Bank conducts a study where it observes customers’ ATM transactions.

For the following, please indicate what type of projective technique it is: word association, sentence completion, cartoon tests, storytelling, or role playing.

5. Respondents are given the following sentence “Compared to other banks, LoneStar bank is ...” and asked to fill in their own thoughts at the end.

6. Respondents are shown a drawing of customers waiting in line and are asked to describe what is happening.

7. Respondents are shown a drawing of customers waiting in line and are asked to write in the dialogue of what the customers are saying to each other.

The lectures talk about the “Six hats” of focus groups, which is a helpful way to structure the group discussion and the participants’ line of thinking. What color hats are represented below?

8. The hat that you wear when you solicit a participant’s knowledge (not opinion) about a product.

9. The hat that you wear when you ask participants for negative feedback.

10. The hat that you wear when you tell a participant that his/her comment is off-topic.

1. One word response: exploratory, descriptive, or causal

2. One word response: exploratory, descriptive, or causal

3. One word response: exploratory, descriptive, or causal

4. One word response: exploratory, descriptive, or causal

5. One/two word response: word association, sentence completion, cartoon tests, storytelling, role playing

6. One/two word response: word association, sentence completion, cartoon tests, storytelling, role playing

7. One/two word response: word association, sentence completion, cartoon tests, storytelling, role playing

8. One word response: blue, green, yellow, black, red, white

9. One word response: blue, green, yellow, black, red, white

10. One word response: blue, green, yellow, black, red, white

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HR Management: Lonestar bank conducts a customer satisfaction survey using
Reference No:- TGS02881790

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