
Logistic support analysis

Discuss the following:

"Business and Government Relations" Please respond to the following:

Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand. Use terms to demonstrate your understanding of the material. You can submit your initial discussion post and responses in either written or video format (2-3 minutes or less)


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"Examples of Project Uncertainties." Please respond to the following:

Discuss why it is useful to consider both unfavorable risks and favorable uncertainties as part of the project planning process.

Support your discussion with an example from your own work or personal life in which an unfavorable risk interfered with your ability to execute a project as you had initially envisioned it.

Support your discussion with an example from your own work or personal life in which an unexpected positive uncertainty caused a project to turn out better than you had envisioned it


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"Uncertainty Assessment Planning and Bias." Please respond to the following:

Review the Lake Washington Bridge Sinking article on the historylink.org Web site.

In hindsight, where would you place the risk of water entering the pontoons in the uncertainty matrix presented in textbook Exhibit 6.2? Why?

Identify and discuss at least one (1) positive outcome that could have emerged from this project crisis.

Examine the biases (see Appendix 6A) that might have prevented the team from seeing this risk as a possibility.


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"Life Cycle Management."

How is the approach that NASA uses in life cycle management similar to the one used by the Department of Defense?



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"Logistic Support Analysis."

Question: 1 What are the key points in logistic support analysis?

Question: 2 How would you apply them to your organization?



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Business Management: Logistic support analysis
Reference No:- TGS01749078

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