
Log-linear models and semi log linear models

Answer all the given questions. Section A to be answered in around 500 words each and Section B to be answered in around 300 words.

Section A:

Question 1: State the fundamental rules of formal reasoning. Describe with illustrations the role of logical reasoning in the formulation of a research proposal.

Question 2: What is meant by the term social sector? Recognize the different agencies included in compilation of data on various aspects of social sector. Which concepts are employed in collection of data on social sector?

Section B:

Question 3: Describe by using diagram the difference between log-linear models and semi log linear models. State the various steps included in estimation of parameters of log linear models. Give illustrations in support of your answer.

Question 4: What do you mean by the term ‘smoothing’? State the various steps included in smoothing of time series data.

Question 5: What do you mean by the word inequality? State the relationship between Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient as the measures of inequality.

Question 6: Identify the different steps comprised in organizing field work for a research study.

Question 7: Make a difference between any three of the given below:

a) Induction and Deduction.
b) Epistemology and Ontology.
c) Research Methods and Research Methodology.
d) Roles of Planning Commission and Finance Commission.

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Econometrics: Log-linear models and semi log linear models
Reference No:- TGS02081

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