
Location analysis exactly where you want the retailer to be

Question: You are to write up the simplified business plan that I have been discussing in class all semester. Below I will write up the sample table of contents that gives the outline that I want you to follow. The paper is to be a minimum of 12 pages of text, double-spaced 12-pt Arial font, much of which will be taken from the checkpoint turn-ins that you have done so far. However, it is to be fully written in paragraph form - NO BULLET LISTS THIS TIME. Bullet lists that remotely resemble the assignments that you have done so far will cause you to lose points. Use headings and titles for clarification to make it easier for me to read.

I will be grading you on your ability to:

1) follow directions

2) elaborate of the specific points that I ask for

3) sell the retailer to me as being successful

4) write clearly

The aspects that I am looking for in the paper are as follows:

I. Title page with retailer name and all names of members of group

II. Table of contents

III. History, Mission, and Objectives of company (no more than 1.5-2 pages)

IV. SWOT and Environmental Analysis

V. Location analysis (exactly where you want the retailer to be and why that is perfect; can be occupied currently)

VI. 4Ps analysis explaining how you are going to make the retailer work

VII. Summary explaining how all of the above information is going to allow your retailer to be successful

VIII. References

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Marketing Management: Location analysis exactly where you want the retailer to be
Reference No:- TGS02754850

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