
Locate at least one external resource from the walden

Application: Individual Case Study: Hiring Practices

Select one of these two cases for your individual case study:

Nkomo 38. Case: A Solution for Adverse Impact (p. 118)

Nkomo 40. Exercise: Evaluating the Recruiting Function (p. 123)

Review the Learning Resources that provide information on how to complete the calculations relevant to your chosen case.

For Nkomo 38. Case, this includes information on adverse impact in the textbook and optional study notes.

For Nkomo 40. Exercise, this includes information on how to calculate selection and acceptance rates on pp. 211-212 of your Mathis text.

Locate at least one external resource from the Walden Library or the Internet to help with analysis of your chosen case.

Review the Week 3 Assignment Template in the Learning Resources.

Job analysis homepage.

Submit by Day 7 a paper (500-700 words) that includes the following:

Calculations relevant to your case study:

For Nkomo 38 Case; this includes adverse impact

For Nkomo 40 Exercise; this includes selection and acceptance rates for the position (you do not need to calculate the other yield rates on page 211 of the Mathis text)

Answers to the questions associated with your case that meet the following requirements:

Double-spaced paragraphs

The question used as the header for each answer

APA style format

Support from external sources with correct APA citations

An APA reference list

Two job-related interview questions based on the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other characteristics (KSAOs) associated with your case and an explanation of how the questions relate to the KSAOs.

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Dissertation: Locate at least one external resource from the walden
Reference No:- TGS02333303

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