
Locate and read a copy of a short story by flannery o connor


"Parker's Back"

O Connor Assignment


Locate and read a copy of a short story by Flannery O'Connor that isn't in our text (you will probably have to visit a library or book store) and compare it directly to at least one of the stories we read, these being, "A Good Man is Hard to Find", "Good Country People", or "Revelation"(or to all of them more generally), in terms of the following:

Theme, style (identify at least one SPECIFIC similarity)symbols (again, identify at least one specific similarity in the type or effect of O'Connor's use of symbol in each story)

Choose Parker's Back, but if you have another story that you can help better with, that is fine too.

Hard time creating an essay that makes sense when trying to compare stories, and especially need help with the outline and getting my thoughts to make sense on paper.

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English: Locate and read a copy of a short story by flannery o connor
Reference No:- TGS01923697

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