
Locate an article that discusses topic of business ethics


Locate an article that discusses the topic of business ethics. Topic ideas might include the role of ethics in the workplace, breach of ethics, the effect of internal and external forces on ethical compliance, global ethical considerations within a business or ethics and employees.

Note these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of ethical topics as they relate to business ethics.

Respond to the following questions:

1. Summarize the article and align it with the author's main point.
2. How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about business ethics?
3. How can you apply information in this article to your field?
4. How did this article fit your ethical view?

Minimum of 2 double-spaced pages Referenced sources must have accompanying citations (In text citations) complying with APA guidelines. References should include at minimum 1) one of the required reading articles and 2) an additional scholarly reviewed article.

Required resources (need 1) can use all:

Lawton, A., & Páez, I. (2015). Developing a framework for ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(3), 639-649.

Watkins, S. (2015, September 25). Ethics draw customers BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise, nos 1-9 won't matter. Investor's Business Daily.

Zuber, F. (2015). Spread of unethical behavior in organizations: A dynamic social network perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 131(1), 151-172.

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Business Management: Locate an article that discusses topic of business ethics
Reference No:- TGS01972037

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