
Locate a recent project statement of work or project

Analyze Project Plans and Statements of Work (SOW)

Locate a recent project statement of work or project management plan in your organization that includes a procurement element. If you cannot find one, you may conduct research and find one available on the web (be sure to verify the SOW or plan is from a real-life project).

Write a paper in which you analyze how procurement was covered in the SOW or plan. Consider the following issues:

  • What decisions led to wanting to procure products or services outside the organization?
  • What internal stakeholders are identified in the SOW/plan, and what are their responsibilities?
  • Which tools and techniques were used to identify the work to be contracted to an outside entity?
  • How well was the procurement aligned with the organization's make-or-buy strategy?
  • How well were deliverables described in terms of accuracy and measurability?
  • What improvements would you suggest to the SOW or the project management plan, to improve procurement outcomes?
  • How do your improvement suggestions align with scope and procurement management processes in the PMBOK?
  • Which organizational theory/theories might help explain procurement strategies, processes, and outcomes in your company?

Give examples to support your analysis wherever appropriate.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) scholarly resources.

Length 2 pages

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Business Management: Locate a recent project statement of work or project
Reference No:- TGS02861765

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