
Local firms outsourcing to international vendors

Case Scenario:

Today more and more employers are using vendors to perform work in both the manufacturing and service sectors. In this module's forum you have the opportunity to discuss the practice of outsourcing tasks or even whole jobs. Employers today outsource some of the major HRM functions (instead of performing the tasks in-house). For example, wage and salary administration as well as benefits administration are often outsourced. Also, Training and Development too. The same for staffing duties. If we look at other major departments in organizations, we also see outsourcing practices there as well.

Agree or disagree with this trend. Defend your answer.

Do you see this trend continuing? Discuss.

In your opinion, should there be more stringent regulations on local firms outsourcing to international vendors as compared to outsourcing to vendors located in the U.S.? Explain

Discuss the impact of employee separation (termination of employment) policies and practices on workplace culture and overall employer effectiveness.

Use relevant examples and references either from the course or additional resources. Bring in your own experiences, as applicable.

Support your post with additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or Web-based). Cite your sources.

Discuss your experiences with changes taking place in your workplace. Did your employer take steps to manage that change? Was the change implemented without any major challenges or resistance? If everything did not go as well as possible, what should have occurred that didn't? Or, what occurred that shouldn't have? What data should be gathered and analyzed in determining the effectiveness of a change management process in an organization?

Support your post with additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or Web-based). Cite your sources.

Select a country (outside of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and China). Look up information about HRM practices in that country. Select two specific HR-related topics and compare and contrast them with U.S. practices. Provide industry and/or employer examples, if possible.

Support your post with additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or Web-based). Cite your sources. Bring in your own personal experiences, if applicable.

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Other Management: Local firms outsourcing to international vendors
Reference No:- TGS01872236

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