Loans of various kinds are easily available to the people of today. You name it and the loan of that kind will come along in the market. The present day market conditions has influenced the NBB banker so much that they now have understood that if the customers are happy they will give more business. Thus to make their customers happy, the NBB banks offer loans to the public by different names with a motive to help boost the economic output of the country and secondly attract more customers. Not to forget that by dispersing loans NBB banks earn profits by infusing interests on loans.
Prepare a report on the topic "How NBB bank offers and promotes loans" with a proper conclusion in around 1800 words by following the APA format.
Include the below points while preparing the report.
About National Bank of Bahrain
Various kinds of loans offered by NBB
- Home loan
- Car loan
- Student loan
- Personal loan
NBB bank's Interest in giving loans
Methods of placing loans before public
Methods of dispersing loans among public
- Formal application method
- Credit card
- Mortgage method
- Time period and Loan