A bank's loan officer rates applicants for the credit. The ratings are normally distributed with mean of 250 and standard deviation of 55. If an applicant is randomly chosen, determine the probability of rating that is between 170 and 240.
a) Choose the quantity this question is asking you to indentify. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
A) Z B) x C)P(170<240)
b) Draw the normal curve and shade the area corresponding to the probability that is given or requested.
c) Choose the calculator function (only one) used to determine the needed quantity and all provide all its input data.
(1) invnorm(______)
(2) binompdf(_______,_______,_______)
(3) binomcdf(_______,_______,_______)
(4) normalcdf(_______,_______)
(5) normalcdf(_______,_______,_______,_______)
d) Provide the answer (the calculator's output) rounded to four digits.