Instructions: Answer the following questions bosed on informotion given in the figure and coption.
In the given FIGURE LEADING CAUSES of Mortauty in developtng and developed countrres for 1997
![2250_Mortauty in Developtng and Developed Countrres.png](
lnfectious and parasitic diseases are prominent in the developing countrirs, whille cencer and dieases of the circulatory system predominate in the developed countries.
Source: Data from wortd Heatth organization, 1998 wortd Hearth Report.
1. Accrrording ro rhese charts, rhe ieading killer in rhe U.S. is:
a. Unknown causes
b. Infectious diseases
c. Circularory sysrem diseases
d. Cancer
2. According ro these charrs, the reading kiler in developing counrries is;
a. Unknown causes
b. Infectious diseases
c. Circuiatory sysrem diseases
d. Cancer
3. According to these charts, cancers account for:
a. Nearly one-quarrer of the dearhs in developed counrries
b. Neady one-quarrer of the deaths in developing countries
c. Nearly one-third of the deaths in developing countries
d. Nearly one-haif of the deaths in developed counrries