Instructions: Answer the following questions bosed on informotion given in the figure and coption.
In the given FIGURE LEADING CAUSES of Mortauty in developtng and developed countrres for 1997

lnfectious and parasitic diseases are prominent in the developing countrirs, whille cencer and dieases of the circulatory system predominate in the developed countries.
Source: Data from wortd Heatth organization, 1998 wortd Hearth Report.
1. Accrrording ro rhese charts, rhe ieading killer in rhe U.S. is:
a. Unknown causes
b. Infectious diseases
c. Circularory sysrem diseases
d. Cancer
2. According ro these charrs, the reading kiler in developing counrries is;
a. Unknown causes
b. Infectious diseases
c. Circuiatory sysrem diseases
d. Cancer
3. According to these charts, cancers account for:
a. Nearly one-quarrer of the dearhs in developed counrries
b. Neady one-quarrer of the deaths in developing countries
c. Nearly one-third of the deaths in developing countries
d. Nearly one-haif of the deaths in developed counrries