
Lms system - read article related to creative problem

Course of creative provlem solving

Creative Problem Solving Report Course

Determine how paradigm breaking techniques can be used to address particular organizational problems.

Paradigm breaking techniques

Symbolic representation
Rich pictures
Wishful thinking
Role playing

Critically evaluate a wide range of methodological approaches to problem solving.

LMS System

1. 3000 word report

2. Read 1 Article related to Creative Problem Solving Process

3. Choose Organizational Problem in YOUR organization (different) than in your group project.

4. See Assessment Rubric for Evaluation Criteria (attached) and format.

5. Recommended Readings:

Bain, A., Walker, A., & Chan, A. (2011) "Self-organisation and capacity building: sustaining the change," Journal of Educational Administration, 49(6), pp. 701-19.

Berg, H., Taatila, V., & Volkmann, C. (2012) "Fostering creativity - a holistic framework for teaching creativity," Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 26(6), pp. 5 - 8.

Calma, A. (2013) "Fixing holes where the rain gets in: Problem areas in the development of generic skills in business," Journal of International Education in Business, 6(1), pp. 35 - 50.

eager, V., & Mulej, M. (2013) "Multi-criteria decision making in creative problem solving," Kybernetes, 42(1), pp. 67 -
Capel, C. (2014) "Mindfulness, indigenous knowledge, indigenous innovations and entrepreneurship," Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 16(1), pp. 63 - 83.

Giannopoulou, E., Gryszkiewicz, L., & Barlatier, P. (2014) "Creativity for service innovation: a practice-based perspective," Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 24(1), pp. 23 -44.

Johansson, E., Witell, L., & Ronnback, A. (2013) "Using interventions to change the quality profile of an organisation," International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 5 (1), pp. 32 - 45.

'Myszkowski, N., Storme, M., Davila, A., & Lubart, T. (2015) "Managerial creative problem solving and the Big Five personality traits: Distinguishing divergent and convergent abilities," Journal of Management Development, 34(6), pp. 674 - 684.

Somerville, M., & Mirijamdotter, A. (2014), "Information Experiences in the Workplace: Foundations for an Informed Systems Approach" Library and Information Science, 9, pp. 203 - 220. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Vora, M. (2013) "Business excellence through sustainable change management," The TQM Journal, Vol. 25(6), pp. 625 -

Waddock, S., Meszoely, G., Waddell, S., & Dentoni, D. (2015). "The complexity of wicked problems in large scale change," Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(6), pp. 993 - 1012.

Williams, P. (2013) "We are all boundary spanners now?" International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26(1), pp.
17 - 32.

Zander, L., Butler, C., Mockaitis, A., Herbert, K., Lauring, J., Makela, K., Paunova, M., Umans, T., & Zettinig, P. (2015), "Team-Based Global Organizations: The Future of Global Organizing" Progress in International Business Research. 10, pp. 227 -243. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

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