
Living conditions or other characteristics of the disaster

Assignment Problem:

A severe earthquake just occurred in your area. Homes, public services (such as power, water, and trash removal), and many lives have been lost. Full evacuation is not likely. Living conditions in local shelters have become crowded and unhygienic. The hospital generators have failed and the morgue is full. At this rate, communicable disease begins to threaten the health of the residents. Luckily, you are a healthcare professional specializing in epidemiology and can help the community make plans to survive until they can rebuild.

Please review any applicable pages in the WHO guide listed below. The tables on pages 11 and 170 will be particularly helpful in this scenario.

Imagine and describe the living conditions or other characteristics of the disaster situation in your locale. What kind of damage occurred as a result of the earthquake? If you are near an ocean, was there a tsunami? Fire, flooding, or even nuclear fallout could be at play depending on the characteristics of your locale. Take inventory of the public services in your community that are still available and those that have been lost.

After conducting research into the threat of disease in a disaster situation, describe which specific communicable diseases pose the greatest threat to your area. In what ways could those diseases arise from the damaged infrastructure, living conditions, and disruption in facilities or services?

Prepare a brief report to be delivered to local authorities including specific actions that should be taken to prevent disease. What are the priorities, equipment, personnel, or other factors needed to prevent the loss of more lives?

  • Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: A practical guide, Pages 9-22, 168-174
  • Cholera Confirmed in Haiti, October 21, 2010

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Reference No:- TGS03230254

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