Living arrangements and biopsychosocial well-being

Assignment task: Living Arrangements and Biopsychosocial Well-Being

Directions: Provide two examples of living arrangements within three major adult age ranges listed below for a total of six examples. Describe how each of the living arrangements might affect the emotional, social, physical, and financial well-being during this age period. Please review the rubric and attend to the following to earn full credit:

  • A minimum of three current scholarly sources are required for this assignment. This may include your textbook.
  • Include at least one expert citation within each living arrangement example (not necessary for every bullet). Thus, a minimum of six citations should be visible within the document.
  • A minimum of150-200 words for each of the six living arrangement examples should serve as a guide. You are free to go over the word count within reason.
  • Follow the format below to complete this (you may type directly in the worksheet but be sure to delete the directions and examples in RED so the similarity report remains low).

Part I: Living Arrangements


Describe TWO different common living arrangements for emerging or young adults (approximately18-35). Examples: Living with college roommates, living alone, living with parents.

Emerging or Young Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #1]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:

Emerging or Young Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #2]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:

2) Middle Age

Describe TWO different common living arrangements for middle-aged adults (approximately 35-55).  Examples: Living with a sick parent, Intergenerational household, Co-housing community.

Middle Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #1]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:

Middle Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #2]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:


Describe TWO different common living arrangements for late adulthood (over 60). Examples: Nursing home, assisted living facility, living with children.

Late Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #1]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:

Late Adulthood Living Arrangement [Insert Example #2]

  • Emotional:
  • Social:
  • Physical:
  • Financial:

Part Ii: Reflection

Ina total of 150-300 words, answer the following questions:

  • Discuss some of your biggest insights from your research this week on different living arrangements.
  • What advice might you provide your grandparents or aging family members?Be specific regarding the living arrangements and be sure to justify.
  • What would be your ideal living arrangement during your later stages of life? Explain.


Include at least three APA-formatted sources.

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Other Subject: Living arrangements and biopsychosocial well-being
Reference No:- TGS03431443

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