
Live-tweet the moon landing in no more than six tweets in

Be sure to answer the question below in an in-depth, well-thought-out manner. Make at least one reference to the course material. Engage in on-going, productive conversation with a minimum of two of your classmates throughout the unit. Remember that you will learn more by sharing ideas. Your grade will be based on how well your posts further the discussion by stimulating thought and understanding in others.

Topic 1

Live-tweet the moon landing in no more than six tweets. In these tweets you must not only announce what is happening as the first Americans landed on the moon, you must also place the moon landing in its historical and political context. For each "tweet," provide a 144-character or less statement of what is happening as the race to the moon comes to a conclusion.

You may also include "hashtags" as long as you stay within the 144-character limit for each tweet. Before you start, you may want to search online for an example of how others have live-tweeted current events.

To determine the character count of each tweet, you may need to create the tweet in Microsoft Word because it provides a character count next to the word count.

Do not forget to reference the ideas in your response to the course materials or other resources that you consulted to address this topic.

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English: Live-tweet the moon landing in no more than six tweets in
Reference No:- TGS02207345

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