Literature review subject sustainability in operations -

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Literature Review subject: Sustainability in Operations

prepare a literature review of 3 pages or more about ‘Sustainability in operations'.

The objective of the literature review is to explore the following items:

• The operational challenges from the sustainability of operation perspectives.

• The best practices in management and operations and wether it applies ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 and 27001.

• Sustainability and environmental issues (including the security and safety issues in its policies and procedures).

• Operational challenges in the era of globalization and how to keep sustainability and balance between the profitability issues and social responsibilities and green practices.

• An obstacle that may face the organizations in implementing their sustainable polices and how they might mitigate them.

• Anything related to the subject.

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Essay Writing: Literature review subject sustainability in operations -
Reference No:- TGS0923583

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