
Literature review on flexible job

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Compose a thoughtful response to the discussion topic below: Synthesis Literature Review on Flexible Job Assigning Introduction One of the approaches to performance management in a workplace is flexible job assigning. This entails assigning of duties, tasks, projects, and responsibilities in a dynamic fashion with an objective of ensuring that employees work efficiently. Providing employees with duties and responsibilities that align with their strengths and passion is an effective strategy of lifting their morale and by extension increase their productivity. Therefore, having an effective task assigning system has the potential of keeping an organization ahead of competition. The popularity of flexible task assigning emanates from the dynamics experienced in the work environment. These changes are attributable to advances in technology, the changing nature of work and the evolving needs of the workforce. Technologically supported flexible job assigning is critical in promoting job satisfaction, organizational agility, workload management and opportunities for employee career growth resulting into overall productivity and sustainability. Benefits of Flexible Job Assigning Flexible working arrangements have been found to contribute to overall job satisfaction. Flexibility in assignment of tasks can take various forms and shapes including job rotation, skill-based allocation, reassignment of tasks, and cross training among other related approaches. Investigating employees from public sector universities in Pakistan, Aziz-Ur-Rehman and Siddiqui (2019), established that a significant positive correlation existed between flexible working arrangements and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction manifested among the participants through their work-life balance. In another study, teleworkers from various companies in Mexico were found to have heightened job satisfaction, one of the main factors attributable to it being the flexible working arrangements. In this case, the choice of teleworkers was because they could adjust their work processes (Ordóñez Parada, 2018). Based on these two studies, it is evident that job satisfaction is one of the significant benefits of flexible task assigning in organizations. This approach is beneficial since it allows employees to avoid monotony and at the same time allowing them to acquire additional skills, relevant to the work environment. Flexible assigning roles and responsibilities within an organization have the benefits of optimal resource utilization and workload management. Human resource management being one of the most important resources in an organization can be optimally utilized within the organization under the circumstance. In this regard, the organization is able match tasks with the most appropriate employees in consideration of factors such as availability, skillset, and expertise (Utin & Yosepha, 2019). Furthermore, assignment of roles based on employee's liking and abilities ensures that everyone within the organization is actively engaged in some form of work. Therefore, the organization can keep every employee active and fully utilized. Cases of some employees being fully utilized, and others less utilized rarely arise. Bottlenecks emanating from organizational processes can be easily identified since the responsible person or team is identified and the appropriate action taken. Workload management is efficiently addressed when the skillset within the organization is broad (Qin, Nembhard & Barnes II, 2015). This means that employees can easily cover for their colleagues and still execute the tasks effectively. Aspects such as job rotation are important in preparing the workforce to handle diverse duties and responsibilities within the organization. Concerns about Flexible Assignment of Tasks Despite the benefits that accrue from flexible working arrangements, concerns exist. In the first place, the mode of operation is not applicable for all employees

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