
Literature review leading and building effective teams-

Assignment: Literature Review: Leading and Building Effective Teams

For this assignment, you are to evaluate literature on the course concepts relating to leading and motivating effective teams building, and other course concepts. To complete this assignment, you will read four peer-reviewed articles (listed below) and research/choose at least three additional articles from the University Library. You will analyze and synthesize the materials to compose a 6-7 page paper of your analysis.

The purpose of this literature review is for you to practice:

• critically reading and understanding academic and scholarly articles and how to tie the concepts together
• synthesizing the various concepts and results of the review
• writing a collective analysis of the articles that will help you address the topic of the final assignment.

This literature review will be the basis of your LASA assignment in this course during Module 7. Before you begin, review the directions of LASA assignments to familiarize yourself with its requirements.


In 6-7 pages:

1. Read and analyze the four (4) articles below which review theories and concepts related to leading and motivating teams:

Chen, G., Sharma, P. N., Edinger, S. K., Shapiro, D. L., & Farh, J.L. (2011). Motivating and demotivating forces in teams: Cross-level influences of empowering leadership and relationship conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(3), 541-557.

Chou, H., Lin, Y., & Chou, S. (2012). Team cognition, collective efficacy, and performance in strategic decision-making teams. Social Behavior and Personality, 40(3), 381-394.

Othman, A. K., Abdullah, H. S., & Ahmad, J. (2009). The influence of work motivation on emotional intelligence and team effectiveness relationship. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 13(4), 1-14.

Körner, M., Wirtz, M. A., Bengel, J., & Göritz, A.,S. (2015). Relationship of organizational culture, teamwork and job satisfaction in interprofessional teams. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 243.

Next, locate a minimum of three additional articles from the University Library databases. Your selected articles should discuss some of the aspects discussed in the course as they relate to the concept of leading and motivating effective teams, such as team building, empowerment, conflict resolution, and ethical decision-making, etc. Ensure that your selected articles reflect a blend of research that has contributed to the generation of applicable theories as well as a critique and analysis of the specific theories. Your sources should be current and published within the last five years.

1. Develop an introduction on the background and importance of leading and building effective teams in a diverse range of organizational settings, and the purpose of the literature review.

2. Analyze all articles and describe the key themes that emerge across the seven selected articles.

3. Synthesize the material and summarize the patterns of similarities and differences regarding how each of the authors has presented each theme.

4. Based on your analysis of the literature, conclude by evaluating the need and importance of establishing a vision and strategies to leading/building effective teams in organizations and/or business operations. Refer to the internal and external factors that may influence and impact team effectiveness and success.

Remember, a literature review is not simply a summary of the articles, but is a synthesis of the many ideas and concepts presented in the various articles.

Your literature review will be a 6-7 page Word document written in APA, 6th ed. format and utilize at least seven scholarly sources. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Dissertation: Literature review leading and building effective teams-
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