
Literature review essay


Literature Review Essay:

A paragraph plan:

Start with the topic sentence to express the main idea. Explain or define any abstract, key or problematic terms to clarify the topic sentence. Show your evidence to support your main idea or argument in the topic sentence. Comment on the evidence to show how it supports or develops the main idea. If appropriate, mention other evidence (examples/studies/ experiments/interpretations) to broaden the discussion.

Conclude. Look back to your topic sentence and ask yourself: How have I moved on or developed the main idea? Where am I going next? Then write the last sentence of the paragraph.


Justify – Use critical thinking to develop arguments, draw conclusions, make inferences and identify implications.

Apply – Transfer the understanding you have gained from your critical evaluation and use in response to questions, assignments and projects.

Evaluate – Assess the worth of an idea in terms of its relevance to your needs, the evidence on which it is based and how it relates to other pertinent ideas.

Synthesise – Bring together different sources of information to serve an argument or idea you are constructing. Make logical connections between the different sources that help you shape and support your ideas.

Reading Compare – Explore the similarities, differences between the ideas you are reading about. Analyse – Examine how these key components fit together and relate to each other.

Understand – Understand the key points, assumptions, arguments and evidence presented.

Process – Take in the information (ie, what you have read, heard, seen or done).

This Essay Paper:

1. It has to be written in literature review style

2. It is not recommended to put your own idea without any support from journals or other sources

3. The paper should not be focus in particular country

4. The sources that are recommended to use: Emerald, Business Source Premier, Science Direct……

5. The length is 3,000 words (- or + 10%)

6. Please use academic vocabulary and try to avoid phrasal verbs

7. The topic is “The Effect of Retail/Store Atmosphere on Customer Perception and Shopping Behaviour.”


Structuring your argument Introduction: The first sentence introduces the main subject. Justify your focus, with at least one (convincing) reference. Briefly describe your approach; then set out and justify the main themes which you will be discussing. (Start to write wide and narrow down to the topic)

Main Body:

Explore your main themes, using headings and subheadings. Remember to justify all of your statements and assertions with references.

Definition of Retail/Store Atmosphere (Market Trend and Current Situation)

Atmospheric Variables (which effect on customer perception and shopping behaviour)


There are just example which effect but please choose the only main important and mostly effect to customer. Please do not write about it all.

1. External variables

a. Exterior signs

b. Entrances

c. Exterior display windows

d. Height of building

e. Size of building

f. Colour of building

g. Surrounding stores

h. Lawns and gardens

i. Address and location

j. Architectural style

k. Surrounding area

l. Parking availability

m. Congestion and traffic

n. Exterior walls

2. General interior variables

a. Flooring and carpeting

b. Color schemes? c. Lighting

d. Music

e. P.A. usage

f. Scents

g. Tobacco smoke

h. Width of aisles

i. Wall composition

j. Paint and wall paper

k. Ceiling composition

l. Merchandise

m. Temperature

n. Cleanliness

3. Layout and design variables

a. Space design and allocation

b. Placement of merchandise

c. Grouping of merchandise

d. Work station placement

e. Placement of equipment

f. Placement of cash registers

g. Waiting areas

h. Waiting rooms

i. Department locations

j. Traffic flow

k. Racks and cases

l. Waiting quest

m. Furniture

n. Dead areas

4. Point-of-purchase and decoration variables

a. Point-of-purchase displays

b. Signs and cards

c. Wall decorations

d. Degrees and certificates

e. Pictures

f. Artwork

g. Product displays

h. Usage instructions

i. Price displays

j. Teletext

Human variables

a. Employee characteristics

b. Employee uniforms

c. Crowding

d. Customer characteristics

e. Privacy

Customer Perception (Definition of customer perception first)

(Explain what consumer perception is, give the definition according to …., what the process of perception, how consumer perceive)

Shopping Behaviour (Definition of shopping behaviour first)

(Explain what shopping behaviour is, give the definition according to …., what the process of effect to shopping behaviour, how effect or change?)

Conclusion Your conclusions and recommendations should be clearly based on your argument. You should not simply state your personal views, opinions or prejudices.

Reference in text

1. It need to be added everywhere you paraphrase from others

2. Please check that references in text match with references at the end (same year, same author)

3. When there are more than one authors state the same things, you can use this style of references


One element that has been investigated by many researchers is music (Milliman, 1982; Wilson, 2003; Lammers, 2003; North et al., 2003, Ryu and Jang, 2007).

4. When there are three or more authors, please use et al. instead of stating all names


Management control systems link directly to the power hierarchies in the management of a restaurant (Gustafsson et al., 2006).

References or Appendix (the last part of this essay)

1. It has to follow this style of referencing

2. For journal, it has to include: volume number; issue number; page number (not PDF page number, actual page number)


Books: Quinton, S. and Smallbone, T. (2006), Postgraduate Research in Business A Critical Guide. London: Sage Publications Limited


Shavitt, S., Torelli, C. and Wong, J. (2009), “Identity-based motivation: Constraints and opportunities in consumer research”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3): pp.6-xx

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