
Literature review and project specification

Topic: Literature review and project specification

1) Literature review and project specification

You are required to complete a 2,000 word assignment which consists of two parts. The first part requires you to write a literature review on above topic. The topic should be well defined.

At the end of your literature review you should clearly specify an aim and a set of objectives or research assignment questions to assignment questions to discuss which will be the focus of the project to be undertaken.

In part two of the assessment you should outline a piece of research that could be conducted to fill the aim and objectives that you have identified. In doing so you should assignment questions to discuss the following briefly

1) An appropriate research method with justification

2) Who the potential respondents are and how to get access to them

3) Any difficulties which may be foreseen and which may affect the success of the project

As well as how these problems may be mitigated.

The project should be able to be able to be conducted within three months and with a budget of less than £50.

Your literature review should be fully referenced (where appropriate) and all references should be provided in a reference section using the Harvard reference style.

Please make sure that the word count is 2000 word because there is no option of 2000 word.

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Other Management: Literature review and project specification
Reference No:- TGS01239819

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