
Literary and poetic terminology handout


Literary and Poetic Terminology Handout

Taking a literature course and trying to write a literary analysis? Is your understanding of the literary terminology that has been discussed in class less than complete? Then this ten-page handout is an ideal reference. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order and several examples from a wide variety of literary works (both American and British) are given to demonstrate each concept.

See the following sample entry from the handout:


A reference to someone or something that is known from history, literature, religion, politics or some other branch of culture. An example is

Sandra Cisneros' "Straw into Gold," which is an allusion to the folktale about Rumpelstiltskin.

Example: "I have seen my head . . . brought in upon a platter" is an allusion to the execution of St. John the Baptist.
Example: "In the room women come and go, talking of Michelangelo" is an allusion the famous artist Michelangelo.
Example: "No, I am not Prince Hamlet" is an allusion to Shakespeare's play, Hamlet.

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English: Literary and poetic terminology handout
Reference No:- TGS01924459

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