
Lists and describes any concerns related to using facebook


Emphasizes using social networks such as Facebook. In this assignment, you will:

A. Create (if you don't already have one) and use a Facebook account to interact with friends.

Note: For these activities within Facebook, You are welcome to just use your known friends.

B. Perform the following specific activities:

1. If needed, create your Facebook account. 2. Login and personalize your account with a picture and provide other education, sports, interests and activities as desired. 3. Find and friend someone in Facebook. (You can always defriend them later.) 4. Try to find a childhood, school friend or co-worker in Facebook. 5. Post on the walls of 2 of your friends in Facebook. 6. Read your News Feed in Facebook. "Like" a friends status update if you want to. 7. Chat with a friend through Facebook. 8. Create and manage a photo album in Facebook. 9. Configure and customize your privacy settings in Facebook.

C. Prepare a well-written paper no more than 2-5 pages in length

In this paper you will cover the process of setting up the Facebook account, issues you encountered, privacy settings and the justification for selecting those setting, and how you envision using this account in the future. Be sure to show a screen captures and a description of how you successfully completed activities 1-9 listed above. Discuss any personal or computer security issues you have with using Facebook or other social networking sites.

Submission requirements:

Your completed assignment should be saved as a Word (or PDF) document and submitted to your LEO assignments area no later than the due date listed in the syllabus. Your document should be neat, well-written with minimal grammar and spelling errors.

Your name should be clearly listed on the first page along with the class/section, professor and due date. Your document should contain page numbers at the top of each page. Single or double space line formatting is acceptable. All references used for your report should be included in APA style format.


-Submission Points Describes the process of creating or using a Facebook account.
-Discusses issues and challenges associated with creating or using a Facebook account.
-Describes the process and justifies the privacy settings used for the Facebook account.
-Describes how you envision your Facebook account may be used in the future.

*-Provides screen captures and descriptions of successfully completing the required activities (activities 1-9) in this assignment.
-Lists and describes any concerns related to using Facebook or similar social networking sites.
-Document is well-organized, and contains minimal spelling and grammar errors.
-The student's name is clearly listed on the first page along with the class/section, professor and due date.
-The document contains page numbers at the top of each page.
-Single or double space line formatting is used. APA style format is used for references.

NB: Please, use your made-up (SNAPSHOT) of FB account for the example-so I can insert(update) it into mine when I receive the answer. Thanks in advance

Composition II - Argumantative OutlineName

A. Paragraph #1 - Introduction

1. Lead-In Sentence #1 -
2. Lead-In Sentence #2 -
3. Lead-In Sentence #3 -
4. Thesis Statement:

i. Car batteries can be everlasting and at the same time they can be really short-lived depending on how one maintains them. (thesis statement)

ii. Nothing is long lasting as long as it is not given the care that it deserves

iii. The more attention and care something is given the more durable it will be.

iv. There is nothing like everlasting cars for batteries for cars.

v. Care is what makes something to last or to waste away within the shortest possible time.

B. Paragraph #2 - Why are car batteries neither everlasting nor short-lived? (Paragraph #2)

1. All car batteries are the same as they are manufactured using same products.
2. Their durability cannot be said to be different.
3. The conditions a car battery is subjected to will determine how long that it will last.
4. These conditions are what should be regarded as everlasting and not the battery itself
5. Concluding Sentence -

C. Paragraph #3 - Conditions that make car batteries everlasting (paragraph #3)

1. Maintenance of the batteries is the key to making them to be long lasting.
2. It is important to take into consideration the industrial requirements aimed at making the batteries to long last.
3. They should be regularly serviced and the acid changed whenever it becomes totally neutralized
4. Battery owners should be ready to incur costs to maintain the car battery
5. Concluding Sentence -

D. Paragraph #4 - When are car batteries short-lasting? (Paragraph #4)

1. Improper maintenance and general ignorance of the owner.
2. Failing to adhere to industrial maintenance standards that are meant to take care of the batteries
3. No timely replacement of the lead acid after the existing one has been neutralized.
4. Owners do not want to incur the maintenance costs supposed to take care of the batteries.
5. Concluding Sentence -

E. Paragraph #5People make incorrect judgements and conclusions

1. People judge what they see rather than what they find out.
2. Well maintained batteries are regarded as everlasting.
3. Poorly maintained batteries are regarded as naturally short lasting.
4. People most of the times lack the general truth about the conditions that the batteries are subjected to.
5. Concluding Sentence -

F. Paragraph #6 - Our actions motives shape the things that we own. (Paragraph #6)

1. The car batteries how we handle the things that we have.
2. Batter care and seriousness means better results and prestige
3. Poor care and lack of motivation results to destruction and failure.
4. Our perspectives shape our lives towards success or failure.
5. Concluding Sentence -

G. Paragraph #7 - Conclusion

1. Topic Sentence #1 -
2. Revisit Key Information -
3. Revisit Key Information -
4. Final Statement (Should reflect the thesis statement and cause the reader to want more).

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Dissertation: Lists and describes any concerns related to using facebook
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