
Listing a specific dbms package


CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR MAJOR Knowledge workers throughout the business world are building their own desktop databases (often called end-user databases or knowledge worker databases). To do so, they must understand both how to design a database and how to use a desktop DBMS such as Microsoft Access or FileMaker (made by FileMaker). The ability to design a database and use a desktop DBMS offers you a great career advantage. Research your chosen major by looking at job postings (the Web is the best place to start). How many of those jobs want you to have some database knowledge? Do they list a specific DBMS package? What’s your take—should you expand your education and learn more about databases and DBMSs? Why or why not?

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Management Information Sys: Listing a specific dbms package
Reference No:- TGS01967448

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