
Listed here are questions designed to measure trainees

1. Listed here are questions designed to measure trainees’ motivation to transfer training. Ask several working friends, colleagues, or fellow employees these questions. Also, ask them to discuss why they responded the way they did.

For each of the following statements, indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree.

The skills and knowledge that I have obtained by attending training programs have been helpful in solving work-related problems.

Before I attend training programs, I usually consider how I will use the content of the program.

I believe my job performance will likely improve if I use the knowledge and skills acquired in training programs.

It is unrealistic to believe that mastering the content of training programs can improve my work productivity.

I am usually able to use skills or knowledge acquired in training programs in my work.

There are usually more problems than the trainers realize in applying training program content in my daily work activities.

Before I attend training programs, I usually identify particular problems or projects that I would like the training to help me with.

Prepare a written summary of what you learned about motivation to transfer training.

2. Draw a curriculum map for your major. How does this help you as the learner? How do you think this helps the faculty? Your academic adviser?

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Operation Management: Listed here are questions designed to measure trainees
Reference No:- TGS02905577

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