
Listed below are partial financial statements for worldwide

1A. You're the chief financial officer (CFO) of Worldwide Widget Manufacturing, Inc. The company manufactures and sells widgets at factories in the United States and intern ationally.

Listed below are partial financial statements for Worldwide Widget Manufacturing, Inc. Fill in the missing information in each of the following financial statements.

Answer spaces are given below.

Worldwide Widget Manufacturing, Inc.

 Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2015 and 2014 (in millions of dollars)

2015 2014 2015 2014

Assets Liabilities and Equity

Current assets: Current liabilities:

Cash and marketable

securities $ 347 $ 322 Accrued wages and taxes $ 309 $ 257

Accounts receivable a. ? 259 Accounts payable 381 b. ?
Inventory 895 797 Notes payable $ 492 $ 421

Total $1,542 $1,378 Total $1,182 $997

Fixed assets: Long-term debt: 1,934 c. ?

Gross plant d. ? $2,817 Total 3,116 1,129

and equipment

Less: Depreciation 287 254 Stockholders' equity:

Net plant and

equipment $2,872 $2,563 Preferred stock $30 $30

(30 million shares)

Other long-term assets 521 487 Common stock 300 e. ?

and paid surpluss

(250 million shares)

Retained earnings 1,489 1,142

Total FA f. ? $3,050 Total Equity $1,819 $1,472

Total assets $4,935 $4,428 Total liabilities and equity $4,935 $4,428

a. Accounts receivable for 2015_______

b. Accounts payable for 2014_______

c. Gross plant and equipment for 2015_______

d. Long-term debt for 2014_______

e. Common stock and paid-in surplus (250 million shares) for 2014_______

f. Total FA for 2015_______

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Financial Management: Listed below are partial financial statements for worldwide
Reference No:- TGS02711578

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