
listed below are eight technical accounting terms

Listed below are eight technical accounting terms introduced in this chapter:

 1643_Net income of a large corporation.png

Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the term described, or answer "None" if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms.

(a) The percentage of total assets financed by creditors.

(b) A measure of the effectiveness with which management utilizes a company's resources, regardless of how those resources are financed.

(c) A company's percentage share of total dollar sales within its industry.

(d) Current assets less current liabilities.

(e) A measure reflecting investors' expectations of future profitability.

(f) A measure of short-term solvency often used when a company has large inventories that cannot be quickly converted into cash.

(g) A ratio that helps individual stockholders relate the net income of a large corporation to their equity investment.

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Financial Accounting: listed below are eight technical accounting terms
Reference No:- TGS0499190

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