
List your observations in the work of art

Assignment task:

Read these three short articles that were recently published online. Then write a one page paper, double-spaced, that discusses one interesting fact or tip from each one. All submissions must be clearly written with attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

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 Zanele Muholi

Research and select a work of art by your artist Zanele Muholi  that you feel represents the artist's overall goals and/or is highly significant to the messages/meanings behind their work. Your goal is to analyze this artwork and share your findings with your peers. Try to pick a work of art that has not yet been selected by another student.

Be sure to include the title, date, and medium of the work of art you choose! These often provide clues for your interpretations!

Investigate the following question:

"How does subject matter found in your chosen work of art provide clues to the artist's counter-narrative surrounding topics of race?"

Do this by addressing the following:

List your observations in the work of art you choose (5 minimum). Conduct an observational analysis, list what you see in the work of art you select. Don't over-complicate this step, literally list your observations. These observations could be colors, objects, symbols, text, environment, who is represented, what the title of the piece is, what the art is made out of, etc. This is an exercise in visual literacy.

List interpretations of your observations (3-5 minimum). Based on the observations you made, explore possible meanings behind what you see. How does what you see reveal the artist's story/counter-narrative... particularly about race topics? Like a poem or musical lyric, what the artist includes is intentional and carries meaning that may have personal, social, or historical connections. You may need to research a bit to "uncover" what these artists are trying to say. Try to make connections to as many of your observations you listed as possible, These "stories" are meant to inform the viewer and encourage empathy.

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Reference No:- TGS03314037

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