
List ways in which environment impact depression symptoms

Assignment task:

You have already learned that both physiology and environment are important, and they certainly impact emotional and social development. Let's consider depression with a peripartum onset (referred to as post-partum depression until 2013). Do some research and report on the following:

Use a reliable source (such as The American Psychiatric Association), and list the major symptoms of depression with a peripartum onset; include why it is no longer called post-partum depression.

List some ways in which the environment might impact depression symptoms.

After your reading, you have some idea of how parental depression impacts the emotional and social development of infants. List at least four symptoms that infants may experience as a result of their parents' depression (include biological, cognitive, emotional and social symptoms).

Discuss at least three factors that might help prevent or mitigate these symptoms in infants.

Lastly, discuss some ways in which culture might impact an infant's or parents' ability to recover.

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Other Subject: List ways in which environment impact depression symptoms
Reference No:- TGS03339906

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