
List two priority interventions using the abcde approach


John is a 62-year-old male who underwent a total knee replacement 8 hours ago. He is on a morphine infusion to manage his post-operative pain. One hour ago, he was complaining of 8/10 pain to his left knee. His wife calls the nurse into his room as she is concerned about her husband's breathing. On assessment, the nurse notes the following vital signs: T 36.2C, HR 74, RR 6, BP 108/60, oxygen sats 84% in room air. Lung sounds are clear on auscultation. Air entry and chest movement is decreased. John responds to painful stimuli.

Using the ABCDE assessment approach, identify the priority concerns

List two priority interventions using the ABCDE approach. Provide rationale for each intervention

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Reference No:- TGS03295064

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