
list two possible complications associated with

List two possible complications associated with administrating enteral feeds. discuss why these complication might occur and how to prevent them

- Blocked Feeding Tube- This can be due to an incorrect administration of medications or a lack of routine gravity irrigation with 20mls water between feeds and pre and post medication administration. Firstly, check tube external length is correct (intensivecare). Irrigate tube with warm water, and milk the tube. Clamp then wait ten minutes, extract water by using a 50ml syringe and withdrawing as much as possible. Repeat at least three times (intensivecare).

- Pulmonary Aspiration- This can be due to patient lying flat, incorrect position of feeding tube, or delayed gastric emptying. Place patients in an elevated position .Cease feed and contact medical officer for patient review (intensivecare).

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Reference No:- TGS0209097

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