
List two other businesses in same area that offer services


• Identify a small family business from your local area to interview for your Small Family Business Profile. See selection rules below.

o a small family business should have less than 100 employees and/or be small compared to industry leaders.

o A small family business can only be selected once in the class

o A small family business must not be a student's own family business that entails direct involvement.

o In order to qualify for this profile project, the selected small family business must Have two or more family members directly and currently involved in the operation of the business

o Aspiring family businesses (or those who plan to pass their business to their children) do not qualify.

• Secure a date/time for the interview, agree on an interview method, and obtain additional information (e.g., owner name, contact information, etc.) as shown in the required information section.

• Complete the Required Information for Assignment A by following the format below.

o Number each response in accordance with the required information.

A. Selected Small Family Business Name

B. Owner Name(s) and Contact Information (phone/email)

C. Names and Job Titles for two or more family members currently involved in the business

D. Location

E. Interview Date and Time

F. Interview Method (phone, email, or face-to-face)

G. Website Address or Social Media Alternative (e.g. URL, Facebook page, etc.)

H. Business Overview: o Provide either link or screenshot of "About Us" section that describes company or write two sentences that identify company's industry, products, and mission

I. Small Family Business Selection Process:

a. Explain how you identified, found, or selected this business for the Family Business Profile.

b. List two other businesses in the same area that offer similar products/services, and specify whether they are family-owned

J. Three Circle Model Application:

a. Explain the theory/perspective according to our course materials

b. Explain specifically how this theory relates to the family business selected

c. Apply aspects of theory to this family business

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Business Management: List two other businesses in same area that offer services
Reference No:- TGS03254568

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