List three ways you could provide yourself with self-care

Assessment- Self-development Plan

Important Note:

*To meet the requirements of this assessment you will need to access your workplace, or have access to a workplace that will assist you. Preferably your workplace will be in the community services sector. In all tasks requiring a workplace, or contact with a colleague, your response must include the role of your contact person, the name of the organisation, time and place of meeting/contact, and any other relevant information.

*If you are completing this section in simulation follow the ‘AboutSimulation' instructions.

You have now had some time to reflect on your self-evaluation, learning and development styles, and the feedback received from individuals in your workplace. In this assessment you will be examining ways to continue developing your professional practice and work performance.

Part A

To assist you in determining how to improve your workplace effectiveness you will now identify areas for self-improvement.

1. From the Module 6 Templates file find a Word version of the table below. Complete the table according to the instructions below:

Workplace Effectiveness Assessment



Priority Rating

Suggestions for improvement/professional development










Application of knowledge








Job commitment




Professional approach




Industry intelligence, professional learning




Social awareness




Working relationships




Legal and ethical practice- duty of care




• Refer to your self-evaluation and feedback and give yourself a score out of 10 for each category - with 10 being highest.
• Based on the rating you gave each category, sort your table from lowest to highest score.
• Liaise with a workplace colleague and discuss your rankings.
• Ask for their suggestions on how to improve your workplace effectiveness with a focus on the categories with a lower score.

• Now fill in the ‘suggestions for improvement...' column with your ideas for improving your workplace effectiveness. For example, you could simply stop or start doing something, or you may include further study or professional development activities with relevance to your industry area.

2. Professional networks can provide considerable support to individuals throughout their careers. Focus on your career in the community services area, and list two people or organisations for each networking item below. (With people just use their first name and their role.)

i. For each person or organisation, explain how they can assist you in your professional development. Such networks can include:

• Colleagues - past
• Colleagues -present
• Mentors
• Other professionals
• Professional Associations

3. Identify professional development courses, or further training/education that you could complete to develop your professional effectiveness.

Specify the:

• name of the program
• institution
• benefits

for three items.

4. For each of the following items indicate if it is formal or informal learning:

• Skills picked up in your last job
• Your Higher School Certificate
• Your cooking skills from years of trying new recipes every week
• Certificate IV in Community Services
• An English language course at the CAE

5. Outline which type of learning you prefer and provide two reasons for your preference.

6. Dr Stephen Covey wrote a bestselling book called ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' which is used universally to improve workplace performance. Open the ‘Covey 7 Habits' file and read the summary that is provided.

Identify the two habits that seem the most relevant for your professional development. Explain why.

(Up to 80 words)

7. Specialist advice can help us to improve our career development prospects and workplace performance? Identify two specialists who would be able to provide you with additional support. Outline the benefits you would gain from each specialist. (Up to 50 words)

8. Most of us know when things are not going so well at work. Sometimes we need additional self-care.

i. Based on your previous experience at work or at school, identify three ways (or triggers) you are able to recognise in yourself when it's time for you to take additional self-care.

ii. List three ways you could provide yourself with self-care.

iii. Describe two potential consequences of ignoring your own needs for self-care.

9. Many workplaces provide additional support for their employees, particularly personal support during difficult times. Conduct research and find out more about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Summarise the key points and benefits of the EAP program. (Up to 80 words)

10. The SMART acronym can be used to help us remember the important aspects of goal setting.

Specific - the goal should identify a specific action or event that will take place
Measurable - the goal and its benefits should be quantifiable
Achievable - the goal should be attainable given available resources
Realistic - the goal should require you to stretch a little but still be likely to succeed
Timely - the goal should state the time period in which it will be accomplished


Review the Workplace Effectiveness Assessment table you completed earlier and develop five goals using the SMART goal setting process. These goals should preferably aim to develop the categories you find more challenging.

Hints for completing your goals:

• Is it specific? (Who - What - Where - When - Why)
• Is it measurable? (How many - How much)
• Is it attainable? (With enough effort can I really make this happen- do I know what to do)
• Is it realistic? (What are the learnings, skills and abilities needed)
• Is it time bound? (Am I able to set clear deadlines - what are the deadlines)

For example: To complete a course in time management by 1 December and arrive at work on time 95% of the time, significantly improving my current record of punctuality.

Part B

1. In this part of the assessment you are required to create a Self-development Plan that can be implemented. Before you commence it is important you talk to your workplace stakeholder/colleague for advice on setting up your Self-development Plan and how you will be able to implement it. If simulation is required in this part of the assessment use the ‘About Simulation' instructions.

You have already completed a number of items to include in your Self-Development Plan. It may help before you start, to conduct research in your workplace or on the internet to find a self-development plan, or a plan you could adapt. Additional to your current workplace, your next Placement, will provide you with another opportunity to work toward your goals and continue to implement your plan. Make sure your Self-development Plan includes the following items:

Self-development Plan Checklist

1 Your goals are outlined
2 Your goals are prioritized
3 You have set deadlines
4 Your strengths are highlighted
5 You know how you learn and develop best
6 You are aware of opportunities
7 You are aware of things that can threaten your progress
8 You have included legal and ethical considerations
9 You will develop new skills
10 You will learn new things
11 You will take action
12 You know how to get support and who to ask
13 Your progress is measurable

2. After consultation with your workplace stakeholder/colleague describe how you plan to implement your Self-development Plan, including:

i. Do you have realistic goals that can be achieved by the deadline? Explain how this will be done.
ii. Your workplace stakeholder/colleague suggestions for implementing your Self-development Plan and how they will assist you.
iii. Who will guide/mentor you in your workplace?
iiii. Your self-reflection on any progress you have already made in your workplace.

3. For both of the following:

• codes of practice
• the duty of care

i. explain why your legal and ethical responsibilities must be incorporated into your ongoing professional development
ii. Explain the legal and ethical consequences of failing to keep up to date.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: List three ways you could provide yourself with self-care
Reference No:- TGS02083490

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