
List three tactics of the counter-reformationwhy were magic

Renaissance and Reformation


Match each item to the statement listed below.

a. government ruled by religious leaders

b. preached that some were predestined for salvation

c. wrote 95 theses against indulgences

d. Dutch scholar who criticized the church

e. taught that life should be meaningful

f. religious order that spread Catholicism during the Counter-Reformation

g. purchased pardons from punishment

h. removal of belief in magic

i. created movable type printing press

j. "Defender of the Faith"

k. technique to show distance

l. clarified Roman Catholic doctrine

1. humanists

2. perspective

3. Gutenberg

4. Erasmus

5. indulgences

6. Martin Luther

7. John Calvin

8. theocracy

9. Jesuits

10. disenchantment

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

11. The Renaissance began in Italy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

a. contact with Byzantine scholars who preserved Greek and Roman ideas.

b. contact with new ideas from Asia and Africa.

c. interest in study of early Christian writings.

d. wealth from increased trade.

12. All of the following are Renaissance artists EXCEPT

a. Castiglione.

b. Giotto.

c. Michelangelo.

d. Titian.

13. Erasmus differed from Italian Renaissance scholars in that

a. he studied the work of early Christians.

b. he emphasized Greek culture over Rome.

c. he studied Eastern philosophies.

d. he studied Judaism and Buddhism.

14. Writer such as Shakespeare and Marlowe focused on

a. the role of God in human life.

b. human actions and emotions.

c. the development of Christian values.

d. questions about the universe.

15. All of the following caused religious dissent EXCEPT

a. selling of indulgences

b. Immoral behavior amongst the clergy.

c. Dismissing classics in favor of Christian teachings.

d. Too much involvement in politics and war.

16. Luther's teachings

a. Increased the role of the clergy.

b. Decreased the role of the clergy.

c. Encouraged the use of DRUGS.

d. Decreased the rope of the Bible.

17. Luther's ideas spread quickly because of

a. Support of German princes.

b. The printing press.

c. His missionary journeys through Europe.

d. Support of protesting priests.

18. The Anglican Church was formed as a result of

a. The protests of English followers against Luther.

b. Henry VI's fight with the pope about his divorce.

c. Henry Vim's fight with the pope about taxation of the church.

d. Henry Vim's fight with the pope over appointing bishops.

19. The Edict of Nantes

a. Required all Calvinists to leave France.

b. Required all Calvinists to leave England.

c. Gave French Calvinists some rights.

d. Gave English Calvinists some rights.

20. The Council of Trent did all of the following EXCEPT

a. Eliminate sale of indulgences.

b. Tighten discipline within clergy.

c. Emphasize the need for priests.

d. Eliminate the emphasis on ceremony.

21. The Reformation and Counter-Reformation led to

a. Greater religious tolerance.

b. Less religious tolerance.

c. Clearly defined religious states.

d. More uniformity of religion.

22. Small town life in rapidly changing times led to

a. attempts to bring in more people.

b. More tolerance for unusual behavior.

c. Strong governments that excluded the people.

d. Less tolerance for individuality.

23. Superstition and witchcraft helped Renaissance people explain

a. The unknown.

b. Good's actions.

c. The actions of the king.

d. The actions of others.

24. Broadsides were

a. Used to print more quickly.

b. Single page sheets of news.

c. Single page sheets for use in schools.

d. Bibles printed in vernacular language.

25. Education increased during the Renaissance because of

a. Requirements by the government.

b. Demands by workers.

c. Encouragement from the church.

d. Competition with other countries.

Short Answer

26. During the period of 1481-1490, how many cities began using printing technology?

27. During what time period did printing technology increase the most?

28. Why do you think that printing technology spread slowly from 1450-1470?

30. What does the trend in this chart tell you about the spread of printing technology in Europe?

31. What is humanism?

32. What was the difference between Italian and northern Renaissance artists?

33. Why was Germany the center of the Reformation?

34. List three tactics of the Counter-Reformation.

35. Why were magic and superstitions so attractive to Renaissance people?

Essay- Choose one- 400 Words For Answer

36. How did artists and writers of the Renaissance express humanist values?

37. Compare and contrast the beliefs of Lutherans, Calvinists, and Catholics.

38. Discuss the impact of the printing press on humanism and the Reformation.

39. Was the Counter-Reformation a success? Why or why not?

40. How did small village life during the Renaissance reflect the world at large?

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History: List three tactics of the counter-reformationwhy were magic
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