
List three examples of information that could be included


A. Discuss five formatting techniques that improve the appearance and readability of an electronic presentation.

B. Outline three main features of PowerPoint.

C. List three examples of information that could be included in a style guide.

D. How often is it recommended that you try and stand and take a break from your computer?

E. List three reasons why it is important to have your workstation set up ergonomically.

F. Once you have adjusted your chair and workstation so that you are maintaining a healthy posture, should you continuously maintain that same posture throughout your working day? Give a reason for your answer.

G. Explain the term ergonomics and provide one example of a typical organizational requirement relating to ergonomics in the workplace.

H. If a person is working at a desk for long periods of time, an organizational requirement may be to break every 30 minutes. Explain how a worker can incorporate this into their job design.

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HR Management: List three examples of information that could be included
Reference No:- TGS03284254

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