
List their coupon maturity ratings moody and sp last price

List their coupon, maturity, ratings (Moody and S&P), Last price and Yield

Apple (AAPL4538815)

-Coupon rate: 1.500%

-Maturity date: 9/12/2019

-Ratings Moody: Aa1

-Ratings S&P: AA+

-Last price: $99.210

-Yield: 1.952

Motorola Solutions Inc (MSI3702010)

-Coupon rate: 7.500%

-Maturity date: 5/15/2025

-Ratings Moody: Baa3

-Ratings S&P: BBB-

-Last price: $120.396

-Yield: 4.273

Microsoft Corp (MSFT.GB)

-Coupon rate: 4.200%

-Maturity date: 6/01/2019

-Ratings Moody: Aaa

-Ratings S&P: AAA

-Last price: $103.200

-Yield: 2.023

1. Calculate their yields using price and check whether you get the same yields as listed.

2. Use current interest rate with the same maturity as those bonds to price these bonds. Are they premium, par or discount bonds?

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Financial Management: List their coupon maturity ratings moody and sp last price
Reference No:- TGS02716274

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