
List the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of



The Module Case assignment requires that you use the various Grand Strategy selection matrices to select the grand strategy (or strategies) that the Coca-Cola Company should follow.

Case Assignment

1. List the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Coca-Cola Company that you identified in the Module 2 Case assignment.

2. Review the SWOT Analysis Diagram (Slide 4 of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrices PowerPoint presentation). In which cell do you believe Coca-Cola Company belongs? Defend your answer.

3. Next, using the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (Slide 7), determine the grand strategy (or grand strategies) that should be pursued by Coca-Cola. Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (i.e., explain why you chose "overcome weaknesses" vs. "maximize strengths" and why you chose "internally-directed" vs. "externally directed").

4. Next, apply the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters (Slide 8) to the Coca-Cola Company. Discussion the assumptions you made in applying the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters to the Coca-Cola Company (i.e., rapid vs. slow growth; weak vs strong competitive position).

5. Finally, apply the BCG Matrix (Slide 10) to Coca-Cola's core strategic choices. Again, discuss your assumptions for choosing, e.g., high versus low market share). Is Coca-Cola a Dog, Cash Cow, Star, or Question Mark?

6. Compare your results from the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (Step 2), the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters (Step 3), and the BCG Matrix (Step 4). How do your results compare?

7. Conclude your written analysis by stating which grand strategy (or strategies) Coke should follow and why. Defend your answer!
Assignment Expectations

Your Case Assignment should be a minimum of 5-6 pages in length.

You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources.

Make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment.

Be sure to use section headings to organize your paper, for example:

1. Introduction
2. Coca-Cola Company SWOT
3. Application of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix
4. Application of the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters
5. Application of the BCG Matrix
6. Comparison of Results
7. The Grand Strategy Coca-Cola Should Choose
8. Conclusion


-Grand Strategy Selection Matrices POwerpointattached

Sections 8.2, through 8.5 (pages 246-270) of the Mastering Strategic Management text.

CalMiramarUniversity. (2012, March 1). Strategic Management: 15 Grand Strategies [video file].
ddd9255. (2013, September 15). Grand Strategy Matrix [video file].
Alanis Business Academy. (2013, March 7). How the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Growth-Share Matrix Works [video file].

Attachment:- Grand-Strategy-Selection-Matrices.rar

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Business Management: List the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of
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