The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to use O*NET to explore career options for yourself and your future clients. After reviewing the results of the O*NET Interest Profiler, you selected 1 potential career that you wanted to explore further.
For this paper, you will use the O*NET SOC code to gather additional information about that occupation. Go to the O*NET website and select "Occupation Search." Input the "O*NET SOC Code" you identified as a potential occupation when taking the O*NET Interest Profiler and press enter.A full description of your particular career of interest should appear on the screen.
References: For this paper, much of the information that you report will come directly from O*NET. Thus, you will cite information from O*NET in this paper differently than your other references. In the introduction paragraph, include the following sentence:
Unless otherwise cited, the career information presented in this paper was obtained from O*NET On-Line (National Center for O*NET Development, 20XX).
In addition to O*NET, you must have at least 2 other references. One referencemust be from CareerOneStop and the other from the Occupational Outlook Handbook for the occupation.
These 2sources are accessible through the O*NET summary page for your occupation. These resources must be cited in-text using current APA formatting. All 3 references must be included on the reference page. Read the information on p. 3 for more additional information.
Instructions:Dividing your paper using the bold headings below (without Roman numerals), write a 4-6-page current APA-formatted paper (no abstract necessary). Remember to bold and center all Level 1 headings. Your paper may be written in first-person.
Address each question thoroughly:
I. Career Field and Occupation of Choice
List the occupation you have chosen to explore.Also,include your 3primary Holland Codes and the O*NET SOC Code.
II. The Nature of the Work for this career, including such things as:
• Duties
• Skills
• Activities
• Typical work day
III. Working Conditions for this career, including such things as:
• Work environment
• Hours
• Work alone or with others
• Type of supervision
• Populations worked with (age, socioeconomic level, presenting issues)
• Psychological aspects of work setting (stress levels, crisis situations, deadlines, multiple tasks, etc.)
IV. Preparation and Qualifications for this career, including such things as:
• Education
• Skills
• Experience
• Personal traits
V. Opportunities and Future Outlook for this career, including such things as:
• Occupation workforce size and composition
• Geographic distribution
• Large/small firms
• Security/advancement/related opportunities?
VI. Economic and Non-Economic Benefits for this career including such things as:
• Entry-level/average annual earnings (locally and elsewhere)
• Related benefits (insurance, vacation, sick leave, education)
• Non-economic benefits
o Personal satisfaction factors
o Associated lifestyle
o Psychological rewards
VII. Disadvantages and/or Special Situations for this career including such things as:
• Irregular work hours
• Seasonal work
• Overtime or night work
• Travel
• Hazards
VIII. Conclusion
• What did you learn about the career that you did not know before or that surprised you?
• How do the occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your current interests and values?
• How do the occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your career goals?
• What advantages/limitations do you see in using O*Net in your future career as a counselor?