
List the names of the tables


1. List names of the tables that you have created whose name starts with MM. (Hint: use data dictionary view USER_TABLES). Use DESCRIBE (in short: DESC) command for each of these tables to show columns and their datatypes. Use SELECT * command to display all data from each of these tables. Make sure that the LINESIZE and PAGESIZE have large enough values and that you format columns so that the report looks good. If you are using a word-processing software to prepare your lab, make sure that you use a font with constant character width, such as Courier New, to ensure that data is displayed in neat columns.

2. List all movie categories together with the count of movies in each category.

3. List titles and checkout dates for all movies that were signed out by Wild Coyotee (MEMBER_ID=13).

4. List all movie ids and titles that have never been rented.

5. List all members (member id, first name and last name) that have rented at least one movie.

6. What was the largest number of movies rented by one member?

7. Display member id, last name, first name, and the number of movies rented for each member.

8. Prepare a report that shows who rented which movie. Use member names (first and last) and movie title rather than the corresponding ids. Order the report by member names, and for a single member by the movie titles.

Use the following DDL and DML statements:

CREATE TABLE mm_movie_type
(movie_cat_id NUMBER(2),
movie_category VARCHAR(12),
CONSTRAINT movie_cat_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (movie_cat_id));
CREATE TABLE mm_pay_type
(payment_methods_id NUMBER(2),
payment_methods VARCHAR(14),
CONSTRAINT payment_methods_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (payment_methods_id));
CREATE TABLE mm_member
(member_id NUMBER(4),
last VARCHAR(12),
first VARCHAR(8),
license_no VARCHAR(9),
license_st VARCHAR(2),
credit_card VARCHAR(12),
suspension VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N',
mailing_list VARCHAR(1),
CONSTRAINT cust_custid_pk PRIMARY KEY (member_id),
CONSTRAINT cust_credcard_ck CHECK (LENGTH(credit_card) = 12));
(movie_id NUMBER(4),
movie_title VARCHAR(40),
movie_cat_id NUMBER(2) NOT NULL,
movie_value DECIMAL(5,2),
movie_qty NUMBER(2),
CONSTRAINT movies_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (movie_id),
CONSTRAINT movie_type_fk FOREIGN KEY (movie_cat_id)
REFERENCES mm_movie_type(movie_cat_id),
CONSTRAINT movies_value_ck CHECK (movie_value BETWEEN 5 and 100));
CREATE TABLE mm_rental
(rental_id NUMBER(4),
member_id NUMBER(4),
movie_id NUMBER(4),
checkin_date DATE,
payment_methods_id NUMBER(2),
CONSTRAINT rentals_pk PRIMARY KEY (rental_id),
CONSTRAINT member_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (member_id)
REFERENCES mm_member(member_id),
CONSTRAINT movie_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (movie_id)
REFERENCES mm_movie(movie_id),
CONSTRAINT pay_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (payment_methods_id)
REFERENCES mm_pay_type(payment_methods_id));
Create sequence mm_rental_seq start with 13;
INSERT INTO mm_member (member_id, last, first, license_no, license_st, credit_card)
VALUES (10, 'Tangier', 'Tim', '111111111', 'VA', '123456789111');
INSERT INTO mm_member (member_id, last, first, license_no, license_st, credit_card, mailing_list)
VALUES (11, 'Ruth', 'Babe', '222222222', 'VA', '222222222222', 'Y');
INSERT INTO mm_member (member_id, last, first, license_no, license_st, credit_card, mailing_list)
VALUES (12, 'Maulder', 'Fox', '333333333', 'FL', '333333333333', 'Y');
INSERT INTO mm_member (member_id, last, first, license_no, license_st, credit_card)
VALUES (13, 'Wild', 'Coyote', '444444444', 'VA', '444444444444');
INSERT INTO mm_member (member_id, last, first, license_no, license_st, credit_card, mailing_list)
VALUES (14, 'Casteel', 'Joan', '555555555', 'VA', '555555555555', 'Y');
INSERT INTO mm_movie_type (movie_cat_id, movie_category)
VALUES ( '1', 'SciFi');
INSERT INTO mm_movie_type (movie_cat_id, movie_category)
VALUES ( '2', 'Horror');
INSERT INTO mm_movie_type (movie_cat_id, movie_category)
VALUES ( '3', 'Western');
INSERT INTO mm_movie_type (movie_cat_id, movie_category)
VALUES ( '4', 'Comedy');
INSERT INTO mm_movie_type (movie_cat_id, movie_category)
VALUES ( '5', 'Drama');
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (1, 'Alien', '1', 10.00, 5);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (2, 'Bladerunner', '1', 8.00, 3);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (3, 'Star Wars', '1', 15.00, 11);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (4,'Texas Chainsaw Masacre', '2', 7.00, 2);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (5, 'Jaws', '2', 7.00,1);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (6, 'The good, the bad and the ugly', '3', 7.00,2);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (7, 'Silverado', '3', 7.00,1);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (8, 'Duck Soup', '4', 5.00,1);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (9, 'Planes, trains and automobiles', '4', 5.00,3);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (10, 'Waking Ned Devine', '4', 12.00,4);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (11, 'Deep Blue Sea', '5', 14.00,3);
INSERT INTO mm_movie (movie_id, movie_title, movie_cat_id, movie_value, movie_qty)
VALUES (12, 'The Fifth Element', '5', 15.00,5);
INSERT INTO mm_pay_type (payment_methods_id, payment_methods)
VALUES ('1', 'Account');
INSERT INTO mm_pay_type (payment_methods_id, payment_methods)
VALUES ('2', 'Credit Card');
INSERT INTO mm_pay_type (payment_methods_id, payment_methods)
VALUES ('3', 'Check');
INSERT INTO mm_pay_type (payment_methods_id, payment_methods)
VALUES ('4', 'Cash');
INSERT INTO mm_pay_type (payment_methods_id, payment_methods)
VALUES ('5', 'Debit Card');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (1,'10', '11', '2');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (2,'10', '8', '2');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (3,'12', '6', '2');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (4,'13', '3', '5');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (5,'13', '5', '5');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (6,'13', '11', '5');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (7,'14', '10', '2');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (8,'14', '7', '2');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (9,'12', '4', '4');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (10,'12', '12', '4');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (11,'12', '3', '4');
INSERT INTO mm_rental (rental_id, member_id, movie_id, payment_methods_id)
VALUES (12,'13', '4', '5');
UPDATE mm_rental
SET checkout_date = '04-JUN-03';

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PL-SQL Programming: List the names of the tables
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