Exercise 1: List the MATLAB command to start Guide with an existing project named 'myGUI'.
Exercise 2: Explain the differences between a function, a subfunction and a nested function.
Exercise 3: When using Guide what are two ways to bring up the object inspector?
Exercise 4: In a Guide developed GUI describe the three parameters to a call back function.
Exercise 5: What GUI object parameter do you change in order to change the name of the object within your code.
Exercise 6: From within a Guide developed GUI call back function, how would you change the text shown on a static text object named 'mass' when the call back is executed.
Exercise 7: What parameter do you define for a GUI object to have it change size as the user changes the size of the window?
Exercise 8: Copy the entire function handle associated with the unit group Button Group widget for Selection Changed Fcn in the guide GUI with uicontrols sample.
Exercise 9: List what items are in the Tools menu within GUIDE and what is their function.
Exercise 10: List the names of all widgets (controls) that you can add to the GUI on the guide tool pallet on the left side.