
List the learning objectives for the training


Create a training plan based on the information learned in all weeks of this course. Imagine that your boss read your needs analysis report and told you to proceed with developing a full plan for developing and implementing your training program. This is your recommendation.

The recommendation should be 1500 to 2,000 words and should include the following

Introduction - Theresa

1. Start by briefly summarizing the reason why training is needed. List some of the key findings from the needs analysis completed Theresa

2. List all of the Learning objectives for the training, i.e." At the end of the training the participants will be able to...." Write strong behavioral objectives for each of the things you will cover in the training. Morgan

3. Recommend the most appropriate delivery method(s). Choose one, or at most two methods to deliver your training. Say why the delivery method(s) chosen are the most effective and efficient for delivering the training. Jasmine

4. Provide a summary of the actual content of the training you will be implementing. Ronald

5. Conclude by proposing how the training will be evaluated. Using Kirkpatrick's levels, specify the measures and collection points, time frames and expected results. Theresa

6. Conclusion - Theresa

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Other Management: List the learning objectives for the training
Reference No:- TGS01824385

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