Assignment: Project Management and Practice
Project Planning for a Movie Rental Store Application
You have a part- time job at the local movie rental store which specializes in DVDs that emphasize faith and family values. Realizing that you are pursuing a degree in Information Systems Technology at Christian University, the store owner asks you to write an interactive program that will maintain the store's inventory of DVDs that are for sale. The inventory consists of a list of movie titles and the following information associated with each title:
• On-hand value: number of copies currently in stock.
• Stock level value: number of copies that should be in stock. When the on-hand is less than the stock level value, more copies are ordered.
• Wait list: list of names of people waiting for the title if it is sold out.
Because the owner plans to turn off the power to the computer when the store is closed, your inventory program will not be running at all times. Therefore, the program must save the inventory in a file before execution terminates and later restore the inventory when it is run again. Program input and output are as follows:
• A file that contains a previously saved inventory.
• A file that contains information on an incoming shipment of DVDs. (See command D.)
• Single- letter commands- with arguments where necessary- that inquire about or modify the inventory. These commands are entered by the user interactively.
• A file that contains the updated inventory. (Note that you remove from the inventory all items whose have values and want values are zero and whose wait lists are empty. Thus, such items do not appear in the file.)
• Output as specified by the individual commands.
The program should be able to execute the following commands:
Provide a summary of the available commands.
Display the inventory information for a specified title. Include the full name of any customers waiting for delivery of that title listed in the order in which they were place on the wait list.
List the entire inventory in alphabetical order by title. Include the full name of any customers waiting for delivery of that title listed in the order in which they were place on the wait list.
Add a new title to the inventory. Prompt for initial stock level value.
Modify the stock level value for the specified title.Prompt for the stock level value.
Take delivery of a shipment of DVDs, assuming that the clerk has entered the shipment information, titles and number received into a file. Read the file, reserve DVDs for the people on the wait list, and update the on-hand values in the inventory accordingly. Note that the program must add an item to the inventory if a delivered title is not present in the current inventory.
Write a purchase order for additional DVDs based on a comparison of the in-stock and stock level values in the inventory. The quantity on the purchase order should increase the in-stock value up to the stock level value.
Write a return order based on a comparison of the in-stock and stock level values in the inventory and decrease the have values accordingly (i.e. make the return). The purpose is to reduce the in-stock value to the stock level value by returning DVDs to the manufacturer.
Decrease the in-stock value for the specified title by 1. If the title is sold out, put the customer's name on the wait list for the title.
Save the inventory and wait lists in a file and terminate execution.
The problem- solving process that starts with a statement of the problem and ends with a program that effectively solves the problem- that is, a program that meets its specification- has three main stages:
1. The design of a solution
2. The implementation of the solution
3. The final set of refinements to the program
Realize, however, that you cannot complete one stage in total isolation from the others. Also realize that at many steps in the development of a solution, you must make choices. You must consider the trade-offs between choices and the false starts which are often numerous. The application the owner wants you to create involves data management and requires certain program commands. These commands minimally suggest the following operations on the inventory:
• List the inventory in alphabetical order by title (L and W commands).
• Find the inventory item associated with a title (I, M, D, O and S commands).
• Replace the inventory item associated with a title (M, D, R and S commands).
• Insert new inventory items (A and D commands).
Each DVD title might also have an associated list of people who are waiting for that title. You must also be able to:
• Add new people to the end of the wait list when they want a DVD that is sold out (S command).
• Delete people from the beginning of the wait list when new DVDs are delivered (D command).
• Display the names on the wait list for a particular title (I and L commands).
In addition, you must also be able to:
• Save the current inventory and associated wait lists when program execution terminates (Q command).
• Restore the current inventory and associated wait lists when program execution begins again.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
Attachment:- QUESTIONS.rar