
List the evidence for why the activity has been included


1) Programming - Activity Format All activities should be submitted in this format with all sections answered. Each activity should be on its own page to allow facilitators to grab individual components as needed.

2) Activity Title: The name of the game or activity. Purposes: The intended goal or reason for using the activity. This is not the object of the activity itself, but what you aim to accomplish by facilitating the activity (i.e. This activity facilitates the practice of social introductions).

3) Age & Size: The appropriate age grouping and size of the group to facilitate this activity with. Do not use the catch-all phrase "any age any size group".

4) Timing: Outline the time requirements to run the activity start to finish. Think about explaining instructions, demonstrating complex parts, activity facilitation, and possible multiple rounds of play where applicable.

5) Materials: Any and all materials required for the activity, game or craft are to be listed here. This section should be in a bulleted list format. Instructions: A clear step-by-step task analysis description that anyone could follow to run the game, craft, or activity.

6) Cautions: List any potential challenges this activity might have for children with psycho-social difficulties, mental health issues or learning challenges, etc. (i.e. This activity includes an element of close proximity to others).

7) Adaptations: Other ways the activity may be played or variations to suit other age groupings, group sizes, play environments, and individual client needs.

8) Resources: List any supplemental resources that accompany this activity such as books, songs, or video links.

9) Evidence: List the evidence for why this activity has been included in programming or how this activity meets certain goals.

10) References: Provide a source for the activity where a facilitator could find more information. Provide sources of evidential use.

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HR Management: List the evidence for why the activity has been included
Reference No:- TGS03283397

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